Saturday, November 24, 2018

Alphabet puzzle game!

In the English alphabet, the vowels (母音 - ぼいん) are A, E, I, O, and U.

A 2 thumbs up 👍
B blow up your cheeks
C upside down finger glasses
D bark like a dog 🐕 woof woof!
E 2 thumbs down👎
F swim like a fish🐡
G growl like a dog 🐕 grrrrrrr….
H mouth is burning 🔥
I 2 thumbs pointing in
J jump🐸
K kick 👣
L text message on smartphone📱
M monkey 🐒
N shake your head no 🙉
O 2 thumbs on head
P punch👊
Q cross your arms
R jump like a rabbit🐰
S big smile (hands on cheeks)😁
T drink tea🍵
U thumbs touching pointed down
V violin 🎻
W wink 😉
X fingers make an x
Y shrug your shoulders (why)
Z sleeping 💤

Banana 🍌 split


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